Our last day at the fair!!
The day started with breakfast at the Waveland Cafe, where we took our "group" picture. Carney and Jeanne couldn't make it, so we included our fantastic waitress.
Then off to the fair. As we walked down the concourse on Grand Avenue, where yesterday there were grilled meals being judged, we saw all sorts of tractors, similar to a cruising night for classic cars. We worked our way to Pioneer Hall, where we experienced the cowchip throwing contest. We reconnoitered at the Cultural Center, where we took in photographs and paintings in many catagories.
In the afternoon, we met at the horse pavilion for the horse show....and then, off to the Grandstand to watch the tractor pulling contest. As an Easterner, I imagined a giant tug of war with two tractors, but NO, it was two lanes in front of the grandstand, where each tractor, one at a time, was hitched up to "Ironman," a sled with a large weight on it. The tractor that pulled the sled the furthest before stopping wins!! Sometimes the front end of the tractor is airborne!
We ended the trip with a dinner at Mary Beth's house, which was newly renovated in a modern style. An of course, after dinner, we played our customary game of hearts.
What a trip!! Looking forward to next year.
Jay |