Team Slow and the Hens morphed into Team Slow, spouses, the Hens, and the YaYas during the Hens' trip to the Iowa State Fair. Hats off (once again) to Janet and Mary Kay for organizing and executing the master plan (just like our Minnesota biking trip where Janet organized, created the pre-trip packet of material, and was the de facto group leader. Here is Janet's pre-trip package, emailed to Ken, Ed and Jay on July 22:
The hens flew in on Monday, and flew out on Thursday, so every minute counted. Janet and Mary Kay made sure there was no down time. After Ken, Ed and Jay were picked up at the airport, we all went back to Janet's house to settle in with a few drinks before setting out on our progressive dinner, as shown below:
First stop - El Bait Shop for microbrews. Then we went across the street to The Big Yellow Bike, which we pedaled to the other restaurants on the tour. (This trip qualifies as a bike trip, since we did pedal!!)
Second stop - The Continental for Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvres. Getting back on our trolley, we could see the sun reflecting off the Iowa State Capitol dome.
Third stop - Centros for pizzas. Fourth stop - Splash for desserts (too dark for pictures)
On our way back to the cars, we saw the Science Center of Iowa across the street. |