Nanjing |
Photo credits: Terrianne Taylor and Jay Rosenthal |
Click on thumbnail to see larger image |
Another two-person loom |
In the rigging |
Front of rug seen in mirror |
Cultured pearl farm |
A 6 year old oyster's pearl harvest |
Yulan and her parents' .... |
... wonderful hospitality |
The calligrapher at work ... |
.. and making our personal chops |
Night Market |
The old and the new |
One of the morning exercise groups |
Our home - Nanjing Xun Wu Hotel |
Freestyle water calligraphy |
The gates of Xun Wu Park |
Local f armer's market |
One of the "products" available at the market |
Cooling fans purchased at a local farmer's market |
Xixia Temple grounds |
With Buddist monks |
Jim earning some extra money at Xixia |
Architecture - Xixia grounds |
Yulan getting her palm and face read |
Yangtzee River bridge sculptures |
Supports for Yangtzee River Bridge |
Break time |
On the ferry |
Locals love pix with "Master" Alan |
Flying the PRC flag |
Local transportation |