VBT Penobscot Bay
Week of July 23, 2000

Thursday: Blue Hill

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The Wooden Boat School (You may notice that not all of us are in the pictures - Jay had a blowout on his rear tube, and Mark jumped right in to help, and Rick gave us moral assistance)

Our first day of rain - the van was set up with a rain tarp for our lunch stop at Naskeag Point; a bridge over another set of reversing falls.

One of many scenic views; Jay and Ed at the Blue Hill Golf Club; Jeanne, Ed, Janet, Mary Kay, Megan, Steve, Jay, and Jim at Blue Hill Golf Club.

Here's some pix, relaxing before dinner: Phyllis and Mark; Jim, Cathy, and Jay (and an unidentified non-VBT'er); Carl and Mary Kay; and Rick and Abbe.

Sitting down for dinner: Carney, Steve, Carl, Megan; Janet, Art, Mary Kay, Jay, Julia (behind Ed), Ed; Bill, Phyllis, Rick, Mark

How can we ever forget the a cappella voices of the Hens complete with wigs singing a tune penned by Carl, "We Are Four Guys From Delaware"?; Ed, Janet, and Jay in the middle of the "Yankee Swap"; and finally, another group photo (of 19 of the 20!! Where's Jeanne?)

The Biking Blue Hens and Team Slow (before and after a ride!), and with Steve.

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