VBT Penobscot Bay
Week of July 23, 2000
emails, poems, etc.
Julia's advice on dogs
"We are four guys from Delaware" by Carl Schnee
Bill's "Yankee Swap" poem
Megan's "Yankee Swap" poem
Bill and Julia's poem on Friday
From Jay:
At our orientation session on Sunday night, Julia talked about the types of roads we would be biking, sometimes passing rural farmhouses and homes. She mentioned that some homes had dogs, and most dogs were either fenced in or on chains. However, there may be some dogs that would chase after you. I knew about several ways to avoid getting bitten: keep your bike between you and the dog, or don't be the third biker past a loose dog. However, Julia offered a new one: If a dog runs towards you, say in a loud, stern voice, "Get off the couch." This will confuse him long enough for you to make your escape!! All week long, whenever I saw a dog, I would say "Get off the couch." I never got bitten!
We Are Four Guys From Delaware
By Carl Schnee
(sung to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home")
We are four guys from Delaware (aroo-aroo)
This is our second VBT together (aroo-aroo)
Lawyers three, a DuPont retiree,
Ready for clean-cut activity,
And well have no sex on VBT this year!!
We should tell you the real reason were here (aroo-aroo)
Tis those four lassies from Iowa Right here (aroo-aroo)
Theyre sweet and demure, and oh so shy,
Maybe theyll notice us bye and bye
And well have no sex on VBT this year!!
Are there spouses at home who give a damn? (aroo-aroo)
Are they happy we meet like this each year? (aroo-aroo)
Is it a week of ecstacy we have planned
Or will we continue to take ourselves in hand?
And well have no sex on VBT this year!!
8/3/00 From Megan:
Jay, I have a contribution for your web page, it is a poem I ended up with during the Yankee swap, one that I have a sneaking suspicion Bill wrote (especially since I believe the authors initials to be WRH, though they are slightly illegible). Here goes:
Congratulations Amigo!
Yo man, You've rode far and hard on these hilly Maine roads
Past da' blueberry fiels and dem flattened out toads
Dis piece of asphalt has broken free
A special gift to you from me
Who would have known it'd be your fate
But you now own some Maine real estate!
8/10/00 from Jim:
Hi Jay. Thanks for putting together the web site. It's great! I haven't even developed our photos yet but here is the poem that Megan wrote. Jim
VBT Approved
We all met to bike round the bay
A couple of months after May
We came far to Camden
To meet at the first inn
and the weather was not a bit gray
Our bikes were all fitted with care
Big helmets soon flattened our hair
We got set for our meeting
With the two who were leading
And quickly we filled every chair
Julia started the night
And soon we all got a big fright
The joke she told us
Was not a big plus
But we laughed at the start of our plight
The first that we met was team slow
Then Jay stood and started to crow
He said he was SHY!
And would try not to cry
Our friendship had started to grow
Eight had met on Brag Rai
The rest all whispered "Oh my!"
We heard Carl wore dresses
And Ed sang loud verses
And Art was a judge up on high
Carney and Jean were our sisters
And Janet represented our teachers
They wanted Mary Kay
To come for some play
In their beds, they hoped not to get blisters
The next day our bikes we could find
And backing us up Bill was kind
Mark led the whole crew
'Cross the ground he quite flew
And Cathy was not far behind
Jim and Cathy, they were married
I must tell you that Jim looked quite harried
Cathy was flying
And Jim he was trying
We told him "who cares?" he was freed
That evening we learned about Rick
We soon found that he was a ... kick
He knew lots about wine
He thought it was fine
To sit with him, that was the trick
Phyllis was just a great sport
On her spinning classes she did report
Abbe and Paul
Made us laugh one and all
Abbe's abs caused our tummys to hurt
John and Megan were daughter and dad
Megan, the youngest, was sad
It was almost a sin
How John biked past the inn
But he found his way back, not so bad
Steve was the last of our gang
We never knew if he did bang
Himself up on that day
He stayed far away
But our funny bone, that he did clang
The last night has come, it is true
And we're trying hard not to get blue
To Julia and Bill
"There's no way that we will
forget this trip, so THANKYOU
8/7/00 from Julia (and Bill):
Hello Jay- Here's our poem to add to the web site!
They were 18 from across this great nation
All chose a Penobscot Bay biking vacation
They had luggage for a group of twenty-four
with bags so big they barely fit through the door
Camden, Islesboro, Buck's Harbor and Castine
Cape Rosier and Naskeag Point are some of the places we've seen
We rode with the Blue Hens and also Team Slow
Up hills and down hills, wow! Did they go!
Down hills with great speed our tires did spin
With the wind in our hair and our faces agrin
There were jokes about sex, and jokes about Jews
All inhibitions were softened by the consumption of booze
The abs and stretch clinics hosted by Cathy and Abbe
Left us feeling quite limber and not feeling too shabby
What a great group of people, a spirited bunch
Yeah, the guys all folded and the gals all scrunched
It was our great pleasure to serve you folks
It is not very often that people laugh at our jokes
Now it is time we must bid you all adieu
But know that it's often we'll be thinking of you!
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