The Adventures of
Art, Carl, Ed, and Jay
Pocono Weekend
September 18-19,1999
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Who was Jay Gould's first business partner?
What's the locations of Ed's first two Pocono homes?
Where was Art's first Pocono home?
Where can you bike 40 miles, and stop at an estate sale?
Where can you see tanks, planes, and helicopters on display?
- What effect does a hurricane have on a Pocono lakeside home?
For the answers to these and other questions, the biking buddies, Art, Carl, Ed and Jay and their spouses (except for Max, who was home preparing for the Jewish holidays and filling her jewelry orders), headed to the Poconos to "Lynchmob", the summer cottage of Ed and Aline Lynch.
Hurricane Floyd hit Wilmington on Thursday. Governor Carper declared a state of emergency. There was some question as to whether we would be biking on the weekend. But the sun came out on Friday, and the weekend was gorgeous - balmy, sunny weather.
We all arrived at Lynchmob by 8 pm on Friday, and had dinner at the club, on Lake Naomi. Saturday was different from all the bike rides we have ever done - we usually get an early start, but on this day we got a leisurely send off at 10 am! (We had no place to go, and all day to get there.) Ed chose a rolling 40-mile loop ride that took us through Thornhurst, Gouldsboro, and the Army Supply Depot at Tobyhanna.
At the end of the ride, almost within walking distance of Ed's home, we stopped at an estate sale, where we purchased a bathroom scale (Jay), earrings (Carl, of course), and a music stand and bridge table and chairs (When we got home, Ed told Aline, who went back with Sheila to purchase these treasures!).
Dinner reservations were made at the Edelweiss Restaurant, where we met friends of Ed and Aline's from Wilmington, Maryanne and Jim, who also have a cottage nearby. The sunset was beautiful Saturday night as we passed the club on the way to dinner.

Sunday morning we took a short 20 mile ride which took us on old Route 940 past Pocono Speedway. We met Doris and Aline (Sheila had to get back to Wilmington for a golf match) at the Jubilee Restaurant for a filling breakfast. Then it was back to Wilmington (For Carl and Jay, it was via Stroudsburg and Scotia, where Carl was able to add to his mallet collection).

Team Slow, eat your heart out - this is only ONE of the pairs of earrings that Carl was able to purchase for his bride!